ATN17 - "All Things New"

The Revelation of John: What it is, and What it is Not
The Book of Revelation is the conclusion of the epic story of God’s restoration of His Kingdom and the redemption of humanity
This book is an apokalypsis (a figurative narrative which reveals) and prophecy (the speaking of God’s will) and a letter (to real people for life-application)
It is a manifesto for the Kingdom of God – a public declaration of God’s intentions; things which “are” and “are to come”
What the Book of Revelation is all about: The tribulation and the Kingdom and the patient endurance that are in Christ Jesus (Revelation 1:9). It’s about hope for those who live in the “Now” of the Kingdom, because of the promise of the “Not Yet”
It is a call to covenant-keeping, and being faithful to God, remaining unstained from the world, living the Kingdom way of Jesus
It is the story of the Last Days, the Church Age, spanning from the Day of Pentecost to the Day of the Lord (Acts 2:14-21)
It is about living in the Kingdom in the “Now,” and the promise of the coming of the “Not Yet” – what the Church will endure and a promise that the end WILL come
It is both the entirety and the completion of the Story
It is a letter to The Seven Churches, real people in real churches of the day, as well as a letter to the churches throughout the Church Age
“He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.” Shema levot: Hb.“hearing hearts.” To hear is to obey, belief takes form ONLY in action. The entire book is about covenant keeping – and the justice which God adjudicates for Himself, His Church and the human race at large
It is a non-sequential, repetitive, panoramic view of the Church Age through different lenses – from a human and divine perspective, both natural and spiritual.
It is not a detailed time-line of events either in the Church Age on of the Last Things
In it he Creator God is seen as the righteous judge of His creation, and The Lamb Who Was Slain is the only one worthy to consummate history, the is the Alpha and the Omega, its beginning and end
Through it we see that all human societies ultimately devolve: war, murder, economic injustice, people becoming like “wild beasts”
As God pours out wrath, the complete number of His servants are sealed with the Holy Spirit, being kept from destruction
What Revelation does not tell us the exact details of the “last things”: The “code book” explaining the “last things,” the little scroll, is consumed by John, the exact details of the end withheld from humanity
Through it we see Heaven’s perspective of Satan’s master plan – and his defeat! The complete control of government, religion and commerce, through and evil theocracy – will reoccur throughout all of history and ultimately in the final Anti-Christ/unholy trinity at the end
“Here is a call for the endurance of the saints, those who keep the commandments of God and their faith in Jesus.” Don’t give in to the pressure of the world system to compromise – and be saved from destruction
The “Harvest of the Earth” during the Church Age is two-fold: unto salvation for those who are faithful to Christ and unto judgement for those who are not
Through Revelation we see the unfaithfulness of human society is likened to Egypt and Babylon, and is judged
The “called and chosen and faithful.” The passage is a call to endurance in covenant-keeping. The saints are called out of “Babylon:” Don’t participate in her sins, don’t suffer her judgments
The Faithful “Bride” is married to the “Lamb” – the Church is the eternal companion of Christ!
It gives a picture of the Last Battle, where the returning Christ, YHWH ṣĕḇāʾôṯ, the “Lord of Hosts,” who has been faithful and true to both the Father and His Church, King of kings, Lord of lords defeats Satan and his human allies
The “Millennium” is another picture of the Church Age, during which Satan’s power is limited, but not he is not powerless
The First Resurrection is for all those who die in Christ, and is immediate
The Great White Throne Judgement: the rebellion defeated, Satan punished, the Kingdom of God is now ultimately established – the “Now Yet” breaks through! Heaven and earth become one!
Humanity is judged for their participation in Satan’s rebellion
Those not written in the Lamb’s Book of Life and cast into the Lake of Fire, along with the death and the grave – all things/personages associated the enemy are removed from creation
The people of God are now reunited with their Creator!
An Ending, and a Beginning: All Things Made New - Rev. 21:1-22:21
22:1 – John witness the beginning of the new creation – a passing away of the old order bound to decay, the coming of a renewed universe (ref. Genesis 1:2)
v.2 – The “New Jerusalem” is no so much a place, but a people
v.3 – God is now present again with His people – no longer a separation
v.4 – evil and its affects have permanently been removed from the universe
v.5a – I am making (verb, present, active, first person, singular) all things new – the process is already underway! 1 Corinthians 7:31
v.5b – “Write this down, but the Trustworthy One has spoken the authoritative truth” – this IS happening and WILL happen! Nothing will stop it!
v.6 – “The Alpha and Omegas says all these things are already done/will be done!” The thirsty (an encouragement to seek) will receive the Holy Spirit without cost
vs.7-8 – “The one who conquers will become my son and will inherit and possess as a gift this new reality.” Those aligned with Satan will have no part of this new creation: Isaiah 66:3
vs.9-10 – The Bride/New Jerusalem, the dwelling place of God is revealed
v.11 – having the glory (likeness) of God – depicted as of the same material as the Father: Revelation 4:3
vs.12-27: the description of the “City”
o Twelve angles – guarding entry into the “City”: Genesis 3:24
o Twelve gates/twelve tribes: Israel as forerunner of and inclusion in the Church
o Foundation stones of the Apostles: Ephesians 2:11-22
o The city is “foursquare”! (v.16) The immeasurably large, complete cube: 144000x144000x144000 – a picture of an immeasurably large number of people included in the Bride
o There was no temple, and no need for light – God is present with them!
o HOWEVER, no evil person or thing will ever enter the new creation! (v.27)
22:1 – the river of life – the Holy Spirit (ref. John 7:38)
v.2 – the tree of life – grows as a large grove of trees over and on both side of the river, which in the midst of the avenue (way): Ezekiel 47:12
o Access to the tree of life is no longer restricted!
o Life and wholeness is in abundant, everlasting supply!
v.3 – there will be no evil present
v.4 – the sealed will see Him face to face!
v.5 – the saints will reign in His light forever!
v.6 – the words, again, are trustworthy and true – because of who HE is!
v.7 – Christ promises his return, and promises a blessing for those who shema he instruction of this book
vs.8-11 – do not seal up the book, those who choose evil will be known by their evil, those who choose to obey God’s word in this book (righteousness) will be known by their deeds
vs.12-13 – Christ is coming, this time not as forgiving Savior but as righteous Judge, the One who started history, and will bring this age to conclusion
vs.14-15 – make the choice to accept the righteousness of Christ and receive the Holy Spirit, and enter the “city” – or be left out
v.16 – Jesus, as Davidic Messiah who was promised to reign in the Kingdom forever, and sent His messenger with this testimony for the churches
v.17 – the Holy Spirit and the Church invite all to come and partake in the water of life
vs.18-19 – a warning not to alter the book!
v.20 – Jesus ends with His statement that He is coming soon!
Why This Matters
It is essential to live life from the perspective from ultimate victory. We engage in spiritual conflict from the place of victory, not for it
Understanding our ultimate victory and inheritance in Christ is key to living in the Now of the Kingdom – patient endurance in the tribulation of life: John 16:33
We need to see God’s culmination of history as redemptive and purifying, and not simply as the vengeful destruction of an angry God
It is important to understand that evil and its effects are removed, goodness and purity are renewed and remain. We must understand that even in the Now this process is underway
The imagery John uses paints a picture of humanity reunited and living with their Creator – the ultimate inheritance of those who are called, chosen and faithful
He Himself is the reward in the Not Yet of the Kingdom for faithful endurance in the Now, for not compromising our values and believes, and for staying unstained by the world
Because of this hope, we can both keep covenant with God, and work with Him to see His Kingdom Come, and His will be done, here on earth in the Now as it is already done in the Not Yet!
To obediently walk with God in life and effectively partner with Him in the Kingdom work, we must have shema levot. May we always have hearing hearts
To all people we say “come” – and receive the living water of life, and inherit the Kingdom of God!
To Christ we say, “Come, Lord Jesus! Bring your Kingdom!”