ATN9 - "The Seven Churches & Kingdom Agency"

“All Things New”: Back to the Future
The Revelation of John is what is, what was and what is to come. It’s a manifesto for the Kingdom of God – a public declaration of God’s intentions; things which “are” and “are to come”
What was happening in John’s day (the seven churches)
What would happen between Christ’s First and Second Coming
What will happen at the end of the Age
The Book of Revelation shows how there will be universal restoration – all things are made new: Revelation 21:1-8
It is a call to action for God’s Kingdom people, the church, towards the works of Jesus which extend His Kingdom
“He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.” Shema levot: Hb.“hearing hearts.” To hear is to obey, belief takes form ONLY in action
The tribulation and the Kingdom and the patient endurance. Yet, it is all “in Jesus” – making it both possible and hope-filled (2017: Jeremiah 29:11)
What We Have Learned from the Seven Church
The condition of the church
There are doubts about Jesus presence with them – and His return
For some there is peace instead of persecution, which has caused laziness
Ephesus: commended for works, charged with a loss of heart, called to do the things they did at first
Smyrna: no rebuke, only encouragement!
Pergamum: commended for testifying to the faithfulness of Christ, rebuked for food offered to idols, sexual immorality, and tolerating the Nicolatians
Thyatira: commended for love, faith, service and patient endurance, rebuked for allowing “jezebel” a false prophetess in the church
Sardis: had the reputation of being alive, but was really dead, with their mission not completed. Yet there were a few who have walked the Jesus way of life, whose example they should follow
Philadelphia: a weak church given the gift of an “open door which no man can shut” for entry into His Kingdom as well as for doing Kingdom works
Laodicea: apathetic leaders have led to an apathetic church community. Wealth and comfort where more important than advancing the message of the Kingdom
The Message of Revelation
The concern is that believers will conform to the values of the world system in the face of trials and temptation
God is sitting on the throne and He will prevail. So hold on tight to Jesus, shema, and conquer - and be an overcomer
Is a “radio message” to resistance fighters – join the rebellion against the Empire!
You can live boldly for Christ in this hostile world, taking action to advance His Kingdom, joining God as He brings ultimate redemption, making all things new!
The imagery of the Church as the “prepared bride” of Christ speaks of beauty, purity and faithfulness – that we can live and minister in this world without being corrupted by it!
How This Applies to Us – Remembering our Call as Kingdom Agents
We must remember that part of our call as God’s Kingdom people is our role as Kingdom Agents – let’s review!
His disciples are sent as His agents: Luke 9:1-2
Power: Gk. “dynamis”
Authority: “exousia” – authority to rule/govern over
The Enemy: demons and disease/death; 1 John 3:8b
To proclaim (formally announce, like a herald) the Kingdom
To demonstrate the Kingdom – putting the authority into practice
The goal of such agency is to extend God’s Kingdom – and partnering with Him in making all things new!
We must who we are as sons and daughters of the King!
We are sons & daughters - this is our core relational identity
Our identity defines and delimits agency (La. “agentia” – to act
Identity is not passive, even as consciousness produces thought, and thought is in itself an action
What I do proceeds from who I am. If you want to change what you do, or don’t do, you have to change who you are – and act!
Power flows from the Holy Spirit through the authority we have as His children when we are aligned with the Father’s will and Kingdom purposes. Alignment comes from living out of our identity in Christ: Ephesians 2:8-10
Both our identity in Christ and our life’s alignment with Christ are key to being effective Kingdom Agents
Many of the seven churches in Revelation:
Lost sight of Jesus, became tired and uncompassionate in their serving
In the face of trials and temptation, embraced the culture, and compromised morally and doctrinally
Forgot who they were as sons and daughters of God – and sought definition in other things
Didn’t stand up to false teaching and false prophecy – and got out of alignment with Jesus
Embraced comfort and became apathetic, becoming useless to the King
By the grace of God, this will not be us! We will shema!
"I am a son/daughter of God. I exist to love God with everything I am, and to be loved by Him with everything He is."
"Before all things, I will seek first His Kingdom and righteousness, trusting Him for my needs."
"I am a servant. I will love others with the love of Christ, seeking their welfare before my own."
"I am a steward. My mission as a disciple of Jesus Christ is to make more and better disciples everywhere I go. It is the outworking of my loving devotion to Christ and His Church."
Your Next Steps
· What did the Holy Spirit point out to you today?